Sunday, May 6, 2012

Writing is a hard habit to build...

when it was quit in frustration a couple of years ago. I still have a thesis to write. I have too many student loans to not write that thesis.

Tomorrow morning is the home inspection. Upon clean bill of home health, Hubs will be confetti'd with paint chips.

Things with which I eventually want to populate this blog, but have yet to form/write my thoughts around:
Home/Craft/DIY projects
Things found in the feminist blogosphere, and how I relate to them (sidenote: stepping into feminist blogosphere seems to paint a target on one's back, which is something I do not handle well. This item is a stretch for me.)
Funny shit
Non-instagram photos. Because I'm a Windows phone user (but even if Instagram goes W-phone, I'd ignore it).
I also have a Zune. Hate-on.
Maybe I'll try to write about music, too.
Comic things....maybe. I mostly enjoy reading, not so much dissecting & discussing.
Burlesque? Indy has a rockin' Burlesque scene.
My failed fashion experiments
and life in general

there's a lot out there...

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